Monday, August 6, 2012

"But Mands, I don't even know what an Indian Pulpería looks like!"

When an exasperated Aeriel Emig exclaimed, "Ugh, I don't even KNOW what an Indian Pulpería looks like!", what she meant was, she needed a life visual on the details that don't usually make mass emails or blogs... to answer questions like.... WHERE do you buy groceries? And so, in dedication to Ms. Emig and Momma Wheat ("Can you even buy fruit where you are???), here is a photo blog...the who's who of Indian vendors, an informal economy at its best. 

Need to add minutes to your cell? These guys gotcha covered. 100 rupees (2 dollars) gets you about 87 minutes of talk time (if like my you bought your sim card anywhere OTHER than Mumbai)

Banana Man. I have spent about half of my time in India on the BRAT diet (Bananas, Rice, Apples, and Toast) to battle the amoebas and stomach maladies that are inherent with traveling this country. Thus, the Banana Man wherever I am, is inevitably my BFF. This guy's name is Vicrant, and if I smile big enough/ look sickly enough, he gives me an extra two bananas fo FREE. 

I haven't touched meet since arriving in India..but I suppose if I did get the urge, this guy sells it pretty fresh. Live chickens.... just a few steps away from my Banana Hookup. 

Tomatoes from ground level baskets... If your vendor sells more than one kind of vegetable, he's a floozy.... the man with JUST tomatoes KNOWs a good tomato when he sees it. 

Heading to a temple, wedding, or other Indian festivity? Need flowers to offer to Krishna? The stall to the right of the fish market is the place to get your fresh scent on. Perhaps it smells so good because you just walked through the fish market, but either way it's heaven to the nostrils after a few minutes outside in an Indian city. 

Chai Walla (the bringer of chai), because no day would be complete without a baby cup of spicy sugary heaven, five Ruppees ( about 25 cents) gets your fix, and this lady brews it best. 

Last but not least, the grains, the spices, the nitty gritty, usually look a bit like this if you're buying from a fresh market. And luckily for my BRAT diet, this guy also sells saltine-esq crackers and apples. 

India... everything you need on one street. Tremendous. 

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